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For over 15 years James has enjoyed speaking in front of audiences.

Extremely interpersonal in nature, James realized that it was his sense of humor & wit that allowed his audiences to lower their guard, lean in and absorb the content he was sharing. He realized that his diverse background allowed him to bring a unique perspective on a variety of subjects and in 2013 James began speaking professionally.

Popularity grew as audiences reacted to topics such as The New Consumer (rising from the ashes of the 2007 recession), Achieving Brand Presence (even for the small business owner) and Business Through Integrity, which were presented in an entertaining and enlightening manner.

With real life experience in the ever-changing face of marketing, James’ programs act as a catalyst for strategic thinking. He brings subjects to life by taking his audience on a journey, offering fresh perspectives and insights in a down to earth manner that makes every subject easy to understand. In the end, audiences leave an event where James has spoken feeling understood, educated, entertained and armed with tools they can utilize to strengthen and grow their businesses strategically.

Speaking Topics

While each presentation James does is tailored to the audience, regarding what knowledge they are seeking and what outcome they expect, these are the general topics James speaks on Marketing. James has over 32 years of experience in his industry & speaks on various aspects of marketing & advertising such as:

On Branding

  • Brand strategies can apply to businesses of all sizes, when it’s done well… We cover all major aspects of branding including; deciding on visuals, constructing messaging, brand perceptions of the consumer, creating loyalty as well as understanding the internal culture of the brand.
  • James also does workshops for organizations attempting to rebrand themselves.
  • This can be as short as a 2hr intensive all the way to a weekend retreat for a board, focusing on a rebrand, visually, contextually, culturally & strategically.
  • On Social Media
  • Social media and track-able analytics have changed the landscape of marketing forever. James guides audiences to navigate these newer waters while tying them into traditional brand & strategic principles

Content Marketing

  • Honing messaging for a brand has evolved greatly as now content needs to also be searchable. We cover development of brand messaging, direct response content, writing effective blog or sponsored content articles, social media content & even developing a content management plan for all your content.

Strategic Marketing Planning

  • James’ views on the strategies of marketing is similar to a chess match, you begin by “seeing” ahead to the desired end and work backwards. While discussing strategies from a marketing perspective, this seminar, using real-world examples, presents how to construct a living & working strategy for your business and how to course-correct when curve balls occur.
  • James also does workshops for organizations attempting to strategize their marketing efforts, internally.
  • This can be as short as a 3hr intensive all the way to a weekend retreat for a board.

Media Buying

  • While the right creative can make a marketing campaign… the wrong media buy can destroy it. James educates audiences on effective media buying & breaks down numerous variables & factors along the journey, including; geo & demographics, budgeting, defining your target audience, quantifying a buy by measuring the cost per point and comparing one medium to another, effectively.
  • This can also be done in a workshop setting for companies struggling to do this effectively for themselves.

Marketing for Non-profits

  • In most cases, non-profits have more moving parts & variables needing marketing support (such as marketing to consumers. volunteers & donors) and usually have less financing available to accomplish this than a for-profit company. James presents marketing challenges & solutions, specifically for non-profits, to navigate the ebb & flow of marketing your non-profit.
  • James also does workshops for non-profits on any topic he speaks on…
  • This can be as short as a 2hr intensive all the way to a weekend retreat for a board.

On Networking

  • James has grown his firm over the years largely through effective networking in various circles of influence. He shares these experiences while educating the audience on numerous ways of accomplishing this for themselves. He also covers specific actionable items, compartmentalizing & simplifying techniques so they are palatable & enjoyable… an occasional exercise may be added for good measure as well, depending on the audience.    The audience learns there are numerous communication styles & none are right or wrong… and it just comes down to understanding yours and using it as a strength when networking with new people.

On Sales

  • No one wants to be sold anything any longer… James educates the audience on relational sales and what that looks like today. Sales is a portion of every marketing strategy & James presents Sales as a marketing tool needed, fitting into a larger strategy. Audiences learn as individuals as well as how the sales team fits in to the overall marketing strategy of a business.

On Internal Cultures

  • So many great marketing strategies and campaigns have gone bad because what is portrayed outside the walls… is not the reality inside the walls. While this may be a difficult subject to broach, it is a crucial one that James covers with a wit that gives the audience permission to laugh at themselves & their own internal issues, all learning how to take steps to improve their own internal cultures.

On Faith

  • This is a personal passion for James as he has a desire to improve effective faith-based marketing for all churches, understanding there is rarely a budget to hire an agency.
  • Internal church cultures & how it relates to marketing is a major topic covered & is many times at the heart of what is ineffective in a church’s marketing efforts.
  • With inspiration & humor, James also speaks on the subject of the Sunday Christian, checking the box off & moving back to the “real world” on Monday. This is an inspirational seminar intended to objectively take audiences out of their comfort zone to see their own “walk” through new eyes…

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